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I expect to see a flow, but it's not showing up to my users

There are several reasons why a flow might not be visible to your users.
From not having the Bonboarding script installed, not meeting some targeting rule conditions, or if the user already has seen the flow.

Bonboarding Debugger

Bonboarding provides a detailed debugging tool to help you identify the root cause of the issue.

To access the debugger, open the Bonboarding Studio browser extension, and click on the "I'm not seeing my flow" button in the bottom-right corner.

Access the debugger

You can close the debugger by clicking on the same button.

You don't need to be editing a flow to access the debugger.

However, you must to be on a page where the Bonboarding script is installed. Otherwise, the debugger won't show up.

The debugger contains a list of all events that help determine which flow is playing to the current user.

Although it might look technical, it can help you identify the problem, why your flow is not showing up.

List of log events in the debugger

Common Issues

The Bonboarding Script Is Not Installed

  • Make sure you're on a page where the Bonboarding script is installed.
  • You can verify this in the browser extension, if it says: "Bonboarding is correctly integrated into this page"
  • You can read more about the installation method in the installation guide.

Flow Is Not Active

  • Go to the flows page, and click on the three dots Flow Three dots next to the flow where you want to set up targeting.
  • Choose "Activate" from the dropdown.

Targeting Rules Are Not Matched

  • The debugger will show you what targeting rules are checked for the current user for each eligible flow.
  • It shows them as "Group 1", "Group 2", etc.
  • You can see if all the criteria are met, when the debugger shows "Group 1 passes".
Targeting rules in the debugger

The Current User Has Already Seen the Flow

  • You can verify this in the debugger, where it says: "Found finished flows for user"
  • This means that the flow has already been displayed to the user, and it's not running again.
  • If this is the expected behavior, try testing with a different user who has not seen the flow before (or a different browser, if you don't idenify the users).
  • Otherwise, you can configure the flow to automatically restart in the flow settings.

I See a Flow, But It's Not the One I'd Expect

  • If multiple flows meet all targeting conditions on a given page, and none of them is running for the current user, Bonboarding will present the first one it finds.
  • To avoid this, make sure to set a specific targeting rule for the flow you want to show to the user on a given page (eg. set a "Bookmarked Page" rule, or a "Finished Flow" rule)
  • You can learn more about targeting rules in the user targeting guide.

The Debugger Found the Flow, But It's Not Showing Up

  • If the debugger shows that the flow is found, but it's not showing up, it might be because the next step is prevented from showing up.
  • If the first step is a popup, it might be configured to show up on specific pages, and you're not on that page.
  • If the first step is a highlight, it might be configured to show up on specific elements, and that element is not visible.

Contact Us

If you're still having trouble, you can try testing with a different user who has not seen the flow before (or a different browser, if you don't idenify the users).

You can talk to us directly via our chat in the dashboard:

Get in touch

You can also contact us at [email protected] to report any issues you encounter.